We thank you for choosing to get involved in supporting high quality education! Your help makes a major difference in a student's life without material possibilities.

We called the platform Adoptăm Studenți (We adopt students) for two main reasons.
First of all, we want it to be a collective effort. Together, just like a family, we support a student. We are brought here by the same desire to contribute to the education of a new generation.

Second, because we want to facilitate the creation of a personal relationship with these students, in which donors and students can interact, and students regularly inform donors about their experiences and progress.

In this process, the role, responsibilities and rights of donors are:

  • They choose to support one or more students, depending on personal criteria.
  • They decide whether their donation is public or anonymous.
  • They choose whether to support students through a single payment or recurring payments. In the case of recurring payments over a period of several months, they may decide to terminate them at any time.
  • They decide whether or not they want to be contacted by students or whether they receive the letter of thanks only through the platform.
  • If they have questions about the performance of a student, they can check the background and information provided by them through a request to contact@adoptamstudenti.ro.
  • They agree with the terms and conditions of Adoptăm Studenți platform, as well as with the privacy policy
  • For more information, please contact us at contact@adoptamstudenti.ro.

Thank you!